23 julho 2009

Best Practices for Individual Contribution

Today, in his blog, Scott Hanselman is talking about how to be a good individual contributor.

Whatever it means, what he shows is a good bunch of best practices for how to be a good professional. I was surprised to see how much I agree with his points, and I only did not see me in the situations he describes for the one about twitter, cause I don’t tweet, but yet in this case, I completely agree with the general rule.

Below I’m quoting his points, but you need to see the original post, as there are many good contributions also in the comments section.

  • Consciously manage your personal brand.
    • You work here to help the company, but also yourself. No one will manage your “personal brand” except you. How are you perceived? Do you know? Take negative feedback gracefully, and implement change. Rinse, repeat.
  • Push the Limits
    • Chris Sells told me once, If you’re not getting in trouble with your boss at least twice a year, you’re likely not pushing the envelope hard enough. Two slaps a year might be the cost for 10 successes. If you’re not moving forward, well, you’re not moving forward.
  • Conserve your keystrokes.
    • When you’re emailing a single person or a reasonably sized cc: list, ask yourself, are you wasting your time? Is this a message that 10 people need to see, or 10,000? Is email where you should be spending your time. Actively be aware of the number of people you communicate with , and the relative level of influence. Is a blog post seen by 50,000 more or less valuable than a single email to your skip-level? Only you can answer, but only if you’re consciously trying to conserve your keystrokes. Your fingers DO have an expiration date; there’s a finite number of keystrokes left, use them wisely.
  • Don’t give bile a permalink.
    • While you’re on the clock, think about what you tweet and FB. It only takes one bad link to undo a year’s work. Same goes for tweeting product launches before they’ve launched.
  • Write down what you’re trying to accomplish and hang it on the wall.
    • Make T-Shirts. Tell your spouse and kids. If you’re working towards a goal, tell people. It’ll keep you honest and it’ll motivate you. Saying things out loud help make them reality.
  • Manage Up
    • Are your commitments aligned with your boss and your bosses boss? Do you have visibility into their commitments? If not, ask for them. Make sure your accomplishments are making yourself, and your boss, look good.
  • Have a System to Manage Information Flow
    • If you’ve got 1000 emails in your Inbox, it’s not an Inbox. It’s a pile of crap. Have a system, any system, to triage your work. Any item in your inbox should be processed: Do it, drop it, defer it, delegate it. There are no other actions to take. Are you effectively managing your information flow? Try scheduling time for email on your calendar.

Remember, don’t lose the original post.

18 julho 2009

JQuery Framework

As I don’t work with web development at the moment, and did few things related in the past, JQuery is something completely apart of what I’m used to work with, but at the same time, as I intend to work with it in the future, it is something that interests me a lot.

This month, Luis Abreu is writing a series of posts in his blog that gives a good introduction for that amazing framework and then I decided to post a reference for such posts here, for future use, and for the appreciation of the readers.

I’ll keep it up to date as soon as new posts come up.

17 julho 2009

Windows 7 – First Impressions

In setember 2007, I bought my first Mac. A 13” entry model MacBook that cost me, in Brazil, something like US$ 1700,00. It was expensive, but a good price for Brazil.

After that, I sold my 1 year old PC and stopped using windows at home. Only a few times I recurred to Bootcamp to run Windows for some small jobs.

Earlier this year, I started to think about to buy a new Mac, this time a top level MacBook Pro, as soon as Snow Leopard, and maybe a Nehalen upgrade, are available.

Turns out that I put my feet on the Earth, did a cost survey and noticed that now, for the a little more than I payed for my entry model MacBook, I would be able to build a Core i7 PC, almost equivalent to the Mac Pros. It means, I can keep my macbook, that is still good, and build a new system for the half of the price I would pay for a MacBook Pro, and with much more performance.

But if I buy a PC, I’ll not be able to continue using the OS I’m loving, so the issue now is to give up or not of Mac OS X.

Windows XP and Vista are not good competitors, and I don’t like linuxes. Then I remembered Windows 7 RC was out, and decided to give it a try.

After a month using it, I can say Windows 7 is an awesome system. Maybe not so fast and stable as Leopard, but so easy to use and atractive as it. And also, until where I could go with the RC, so much faster and stable than Windows Vista.

The UAC, that everyone uses to disable in Windows Vista, now works fine, it means, only when necessary.

The new task bar is the most impressive of the new features, and it reminds me so much the Mac OS Dock, so I’m loving it. The only downside for me until now is that it is not possible to fix the Recicle Bin on it.

The new window handling functions are good too. And obviously, there are several other improviments through the whole system.

I think this time Microsoft is taking the right way.

Hope it become better until the launch day.

11 julho 2009

A comparative study of the Java and C# languages

If you search the web for comparisons between the Java and C# programming languages, you will end up finding two great articles, among many others.

The first one is written by Dare Obasanjo, and available in his site 25 Hours A Day. The other, that is not so descriptive but provides great examples, is a code for code comparison available in the JavaCamp.org website.

I’m citing these two great resources because now I’ll post here the final work I did for my System Analysis course, that is also a comparison between such languages.

The main differences between my comparison and the one made by Dare Obasanjo is that the mine tries to use a didactic line, running from the easiest languages aspects to the most complex ones. Also, and a downside for most of the readers of this blog, is that it’s only available in portuguese.

If you speak portuguese, maybe you enjoy!

A comparative study of the Java and C# languages

08 julho 2009


One of the reasons I create this blog is to publish some smart small tools I built to make my fellows lives, and mine of course, easier.

The most useful of such tools is Replacer.

Replacer is a search and replace tool I built back in 2006 when I couldn’t find any such tool in the Internet that could make the job the way we needed.

It is pretty simple to use and its main purpose is to search or replace, at the same time, several one line text blocks in all files that match the given filter criteria.

The main features of Replacer are:

  • Filter criteria to include and exclude files;
  • Classic search options like case sensitive and whole word only;
  • Search or replace several one line text blocks at the same time;
  • Possibility to ignore comment blocks;
  • Find only the first occurrency of the search text on each file;
  • Create backups before to replace;
  • Prompt a confirmation before each replacement;
  • In the result screen, highlight the word that contains the search text;
  • In the result screen, show the number of the row where the text was found.

The main limitations are:

  • Only one line text blocks can be used *;
  • One line comment blocks cannot be ignored, only blocks with a start and an end mark;
  • Not fully tested, maybe it doen’t work with some kind of files;

As said before, it was not tested to become a sellable product, so if you want to use it, you must consider that statement that says it is distributed ‘as is’, offers no warranty and must be used by your own risk.


Hope you enjoy!

* I’ve started to work in a version that supports multiple line blocks, but it has introduced some bugs, so I’ll not publish it yet.

06 julho 2009

First Post

Hi all!

There is a long time since I started to think about to create this blog.

Many things passed thru my mind that made me think: “It is a good thing for a blog post”, but I didn’t have a blog.

Why didn’t I simply create a blog and post such things?

The reason was the doubts. What blog engine to use? Restrict the content to tecnology/programming related? Which language to post in? English or Portuguese? And such doubts, among others, made me postpone the blog creation over and over.

Now, in the end of the first work day of my vacations, I decided to put the hands on and create it, using blogspot, restricting the content and posting in english, even though I would be much more confortable writing in my native language.

So that is it. From now on I’ll try to post some interesting articles and comments here.

Hope you enjoy!